
Luka Sekolec
BSc PhD CPhys MInstP


Last modified: November 30, 2018

After completing my studies at the University of Westminster, at that time still The Polytechnic of Central London (PCL), I went to CERN for two years where I worked on accelerator control. The next couple of years were spent at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. Here the main work was on computer control of Physics experiments. My next move was to the Swiss Institute of Nuclear Research (SIN), again in the field of accelerator control.

The re-organisation and the merger of SIN and EIR (Federal Institute for Reactor Research) in 1987, resulted in the Paul Scherrer Institut, a member of the ETH Board. A number of further re-organisations landed me in the Information Technology Division of the Paul Scherrer Institut. Here I am involved in various activities, from Macintosh support to project management for database applications development.



The Paul Scherrer Institut resulted from the merger of SIN and EIR.
The physical separation was, and still is, a bridge over the river Aare.

As of 1st June 2008 I am fully retired. Marta and I now enjoy the free time and commute between Switzerland and Slovenia.

After Marta's death in 2012, I met Sonja and we married in August 2016. Sonja who was a widow has a son Aleš. Aleš and Urša have two daughters Alina and Kiara. Sonja studied law and held several leading positions in the Civil Service, the last one as head of the department for catastrophes. Sonja & Luka